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4th Meeting
September 15, 2009 @ 7:00 PM
Selectmen's Room, 1204 Main Street, Starbard Building

Members Present: Sheila Bachant, Cynthia Bazinet, Al Ferron, Anthony Gribbons, James Jumonville

Members Absent: Carmelo Bazzano, Otto Lies

Staff: Johannah Adams, Computer Project Coordinator - Police Department

Also Present: Chief George Sherrill, Holden Police Department


Called to Order: 7:05 PM

Al Ferron offered to call the Shrewsbury Town Manager to see if he would be willing to speak to the Committee.

J. Jumonville confirmed that the Committee is only addressing the position of Chief, per Kim Ferguson. He will ask her to put this in writing.

J. Jumonville said that Kim Ferguson is looking for a replacement for Carmelo Bazzano, who is resigning from the Committee.

A. Ferron moved and A. Gribbons seconded approval of 9/1 minutes. Yes 4; No 0; 1 Abstain 1.

A. Gribbons explained that patrolman and supervisor unions/contracts would not be affected if the Chief position were taken out of Civil Service ("CS"). Issues are dealt with internally between the Chief and the Town Manager ("TM") before consulting CS in Boston. Whether an issue is union or CS depends upon the situation; sometimes there would be overlap. CS protects the Chief's decisions from political influence, provides neutralization.

C. Bazinet asked what the PD would look like if the Chief were taken out of CS. A. Gribbons said that would create an imbalance of protection between the patrolmen and the Chief. It would not affect rank structure. CS provides a layer of checks and balances.

S. Bachant asked if Shrewsbury is the only department which is mixed (CS department/non-CS Chief). A. Gribbons said he does not know about towns, but some larger cities are mixed.

J. Adams asked A. Gribbons about some patrolmen expressing concern about shorter term Chiefs if taken out of CS. He explained that some applicants would simply use the position as a resume-builder and then leave after a few years; this is much more likely to happen outside of CS.

C. Bazinet asked what the advantages of removing the position from CS are; S. Bachant said this is why we wanted to hear from other area Chiefs, which the Committee has not been able to arrange. A. Gribbons said that one advantage is that it opens the search to applicants outside of Massachusetts. This is also a disadvantage, though, because qualifications vary from state to state, may not be qualified as police officer in Mass., no local knowledge, long learning curve.

A. Gribbons pointed out that resumes are not always accurate, and would be more difficult to verify for out-of-state applicants.

S. Bachant stated that we could miss out on a good CS-qualified candidate if the position were removed from CS.

A. Gribbons said that the last three Chief's exams in Holden were closed. TM could make the next one an open exam, though, as that is his choice. Candidates must take Holden's posted exam. Also, CS pays for all exams, etc. If not CS, the Town would have to find, hire, and pay a private firm to administer testing, hearings, etc.

Two scenarios were presented, and what would occur in the event of each:
        1. Chief announces his retirement
                > TM calls CS
                > CS posts exam, either open or closed based on TM decision

        2. Chief leaves suddenly
                > Would create a "command surge", with ranking supervisors moving up where needed
                > TM would appoint interims (ex. "Acting Chief")
                > Interims may or may not become permanent because CS exam process levels the playing field; interim person may or may not get the job.

A. Gribbons will continue to try to find an area Chief to speak to the Committee.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 @ 7:00 PM, Town Hall

Adjourned: 8:00 PM
